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… I want to write and tell you that GFI and in particular yourself, have always had and will always continue to have, my total and unconditional love, support and blessing in every way possible.
In all my seventy-one years of life, I have never come across a more truthfully accurate, more powerful, more Holy-Spirit-filled, more Christ-centred, more blessed, more liberating, more victorious and more anointed message than the message promoted by yourself and by GFI through you, that “I have been crucified with Christ, that I no longer live, but that Christ lives in me and that the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in, and of, the Son of God Who loved me and Who gave Himself for me.”
I have also in over ten years of involvement in Christian Counselling, not come across a more dynamically liberating, more anointed of God, and more successful method of counselling than the precept taught by GFI and by yourself, that the Holy Spirit is “The Counsellor” and not I.
I have had the privilege, the blessing, and the satisfaction of seeing the Holy Spirit, the “Wonderful Counsellor,” set many, many people free and have experienced the great joy of watching many people’s lives being radically and totally changed from the moment that they let go of the “self-life” (that is, letting it go to the cross of Jesus where it belongs) and allowing the indwelling Christ and the blessed Holy Spirit to set them free and usher them into the eternal life of their true identity “in Christ Jesus.”
I have also come to understand that the major problem in strained relationships. and particularly in marriages. is that invariably one of the parties (and sometimes even both) has a desire to change the other party in some or other way (to make them conform to their own expectations), not realising that it is IMPOSSIBLE, TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE for any one person ever, to change any other person. It just simply will not happen because it cannot happen. It is truly impossible. I do not believe that one is even capable of changing one’s own self, even if one had the good sense to try to do so. This is clearly the work of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit alone.
I have seen demonstrated over and over again, that it is ONLY the Holy Spirit Who can effectively change any living person. It is clearly the work of the Holy Spirit, and I have had the privilege and great blessing of seeing a number of people during counselling change almost visibly right in front of my eyes, as and when they suddenly “hear” and give heed to the Holy Spirit within. I have observed facial expressions, people’s entire countenances, change visibly before my eyes as they suddenly “let go” and allow the self-life to take up its rightful place in being baptised (immersed) into Christ’s crucifixion on the cross of Calvary, and thereby (Romans 6:3-8) also being baptised into His resurrection.
Chuck [Solomon], this “exchanged life” message is without any shadow of doubt, the most anointed, most successful, most liberating and most life-changing message that I have ever had the privilege and great blessing of coming across and I honour you and support wholeheartedly your decision to keep this precious God-given and God-anointed message pure and unsullied in GFI…
As for me and my household, we will follow faithfully and steadfastly in the anointed, God-given pattern which you have shown us and we will support you unfailingly and joyfully and gratefully in ever decision you make.
May God continue to bless you, provide for you and care for you, your entire family, GFI, all staff members, every single person involved in any part of your or the GFI ministry and you will always be in our prayers and we, with thankful hearts, praise our wonderful Father God and our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for setting us free by and through what we have learned and received from your hand over the years.
With all our love and blessings,
Gordon and Marcy A.
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