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I was working on the agenda for the Annual general Body meeting of GCI till now. I have to sleep for two and a half hours before I get up to start for the meeting. For the travel convenience of PPT, we have arranged the meeting at Tiruvalla.

Also we have a half day seminar with Dr. Alex Mathew giving a talk on “Therapeutic Alliance in Christian Counseling.”  25 friends are planning to attend the seminar including one or two persons encouraged by our Indian friends in USA to whom I had sent the brochure. That is great. Pray for the blessings in both the meetings. We plan to give lunch to all. No fees is charged. If the participants are guided by the Lord, let them contribute.

God bless you all.

“…..Become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.”                1 Cor.9:22

“How hard are we prepared to work without counting the cost for the sake of the gospel? How generous are we in givng to those who give their lives to form Chrsit’s life in us?” Quotes from EWG

Prof. John Zachariah <>

[designated support to GFI India can be sent via GFI Tennessee]

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