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Graphics-rich edition is online here.
Dear Grace Fellowship Friends,
This month we have started an initiative to more effectively communicate with the pastors on our mailing list. In 2010 we published, From Pastors to Pastors: Testimonies of Revitalized Ministries. The life stories in this book, which reflect the Holy Spirit’s moving, have been a major source of inspiration. We rejoice to see God continuing to work in the lives of pastors who have developed a relationship with our team. This month’s email will offer a recent glimpse into this. We invite you to check out the links below, pick up our book and give it to your pastor.
In His Life,
Rob Clogg,
Grace Fellowship International
From Pastors to Pastors
Consider this book, as a resource to encourage your pastor. What does a pastor do when he encounters difficulties in life, family or ministry? They are often the ones who are supposed to have the answers. Many pastors have plumbed the depth of despair and experienced a journey downward to the cross yet had a breakthrough to live and minister on the resurrection side of the cross for God’s glory. A number of pastors have provided contact information and invite you to relate to them personally that they might give further witness of God’s grace in in their lives and ministry. This book can be ordered at Grace Fellowship’s online store or by calling our toll free number: 1-888-66grace.
3 New Stories
So, what has God been doing recently? You are also encouraged to check out the ministry of three pastors who have seen the ministry of GFI impact their lives and ministry. You are encouraged to go to the links below and listen to recent messages.
- Heritage Church in Texarkana, Texas Pastor Tim Montgomery completed a series before Easter titled; “Rejection” and has begun a series titled: “Now What?”
- Christ Community Church in Sioux Falls, South Dakota Pastor Troy Weiland completed a series titled, “What We Believe.”
- Chilhowee Hills Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee Pastor Mark McKeehan has just started a series titled, “Come Alive.”
Would you consider being a monthly supporter of the ministry? It only takes a short time to set up but is a big help to us. Call the office at 865-429-0450, or click here to donate online.
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