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Our friend and associate, Joe Freeman posted this update on his Facebook page.
“Yesterday my doctor reminded Cherri and me that I am terminal. My disease is killing me and I am terminal. Well, aren’t we all? But then I remembered John 3:16 where Jesus says to Nicodemus, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” Well, I not only believe in Jesus, He is my life. By the world’s standard, I am terminal, toast, a goner, dead man walking. By Jesus’ definition, I am eternal. I am NOT dying but transitioning Home. Everyone who reads this has that same opportunity. Please let me know if you want me to contact you to explain how you can experience this. Take care of it today because either way, your opportunity is running out. I will get back to you via Private Message. Thanks.”
Let’s keep the Freemans in prayer during these difficult days. See Joe’s testimonial video here:
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