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Tyndale House Publishers asked Miriam Jacob to write a book review for Handbook to Happiness.
The full chapter-by-chapter review is online at
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Handbook to Happiness – A Biblical Guide to Victorious Living by Dr. Charles R. Solomon is the foundational book for Spirituotherapy, an innovative Bible-based program to integrate the spiritual and psychological dimensions of man. It is the flagship book of the Exchanged Life counseling movement, synonymous with revival.
This approach to discipleship is a strategic, counseling model, applying deeper life sanctification to psychological problems of humanity, in the appropriation of Christ as Savior, Lord, and Life. Termed Spirituotherapy to honor the Holy Spirit, the ultimate Counselor, using the Bible’s truth, wisdom and revelation to resolve the problems of mankind, this program is based on the Holy Spirit’s work of regeneration and the appropriation of the new life in Christ. The believer’s relationship to the cross of Christ is central to its goal. The Holy Spirit is the Therapist who renews the mind and transforms the life – “Be transformed by the renewal of your mind, to prove the good, acceptable and perfect will of God” – (Romans 12:2).
Psychological problems, rooted in spiritual problems, can only be resolved by a faith union with the crucified Christ, risen and reigning in the believer’s life – (Galatians 2:20). This approach to counseling is biblical – “I am the Lord, who heals you” – (Exodus 15:26). God’s healing power comes when we obey His commands and statutes. A miracle happens when the Word of God is taught, applied, and obeyed. “God sent his word, and healed them” (Psalm 107:20). It is a balanced, beneficial approach to counseling of healing people with the living Word of God. People in desperate need are being counseled and internally healed by Spirituotherapy.
Through “the exchanged life” and “the experienced cross,” counseling propagates the truth of freedom through union with Christ in his death and resurrection. Spirituotherapy, a viable integration of counseling and the Word of God, done in the power of the Holy Spirit, meets the deepest needs of man. This proven Biblical approach communicates the truth of our identification with Christ, to resolve life problems and see it honored by the Spirit of God. When we face problems impossible to resolve, we have access to the infallible Word of God and the Counselor, the Holy Spirit. To experience the cross, we must embrace it, with its brokenness and suffering. Like the Master, all must follow the way of the cross to have victory in life. Life issues out of death and victory out of defeat. It is a paradoxical principle. We become in experience what we already are in Christ by position.
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