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A report from Piet and Sylvia du Toit in South Africa
Our hearts are overflowing with love and gratitude to Father God for a very blessed 2017. During the course of this past year we were able to visit 17 communities and in every instance, we were overwhelmed with gratitude in observing the positive impact which the “Exchanged Life” message has been making upon the lives of people. This is true evangelism and it is the ‘good news’ which our Lord Jesus talks about.
The depth and true impact of the profound Galatians 2:20 “Crucified Life” message impacts the hearts and lives of people in such a positive way that a radical change in their day-to-day lives and living becomes apparent.
Whilst we were ministering in the various congregations we made it our business to introduce the Ministers to the “Exchanged Life” and to GFI websites, encouraging them to make use of the wealth of wisdom and teaching available.
This year marks the completion of 25 years of ministry for us… and we are asking Father God to give us guidance, seeking the Holy Spirit, so that we may know God’s Will for our ministry work, going forward.
We have experienced during the past year that in general, people are becoming so increasingly stressed by simply having to cope with the ever-increasing challenges of daily living, that that they are experiencing difficulties in attending a 5-day seminar. We are accordingly seriously considering the possibility of in future, simply holding a short ministering presentation, followed by making available for sale, recorded DVD/CD’s for the balance of the program, as to make it easier for working couples to compete the full course module, but without the pressures of having to attend a 5-day seminar.
This DVD/CD method may also contain an added advantage of being able to be extended into the Church Home Cell Groups, whereby the impartation of the seminars can then become available over an extended period, to those working couples who have been totally unable to attend a 5-day seminar…
We are grateful to Father God for being charged with bringing such a liberating message to South Africans whilst our country is traversing a time of unprecedented criminal violence, causing our population to have great concern over even their daily living. Lawlessness is sadly the order of the day and from the core message of the Cross (Gal 2:20) we are charged with
bringing the message of hope (2 Cor. 4:16).
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