More online reading

by John Woodward
April 22-27 Linda and I ministered in the Dominican Republic. We were able to teach an Exchanged Life Conference and Workshop to about 30 missionaries in Juan Dolio (east of Santo Domingo). The equipping was taught with an interpreter and based at the campus of SCORE International. Participants received copies of Handbook to Happiness (20 in Spanish, 10 in English), the workshop notebook and a CD ROM for ongoing study and ministry. There were also opportunities to minister to some of the missionaries one-to-one. The testimonies and comments indicated that they really appreciated this teaching and equipping experience.
The GFI alumnus there, Erica Jude, gave testimony to the group of how God used the GFI conference and workshop (in Tennessee) in her life, and that she has been using this model at Lily House ever since. At the conclusion they sang, gathered around us, and prayed. What a blessing.
Thursday afternoon we ministered at Lily House to the residents and staff. Learn more about this holistic redemption and rescue program for women here:
The SCORE house hostess was impacted by this message through hearing Major Ian Thomas over 40 years ago; she said that the conference/workshop explained these truths in a special way and that God applied the message to her life in a deeper way. The SCORE base also has a nine month GAP program for college students. They learn Spanish, D.R. culture, missions and Bible. This group has heard the wheel and line message through Erica, and now the GAP Director (who attended the conference/ workshop ) is using these materials with them too.
We give thanks for a safe and fruitful trip and request prayer for the Lord’s ongoing blessing on these ministries in Dominican Republic! Photos of this trip are at our gallery site:
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