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Exchanged Life Family Training: July 14th – 20th 2019
The Training program started on 14th evening with the opening message by Bro. Sam C Samuel on the topic “Prayer Warriors are essential these days”, challenging the participants from Eph.6:18 to pray without ceasing.
- Practice the presence of God (Bro. Lawrence);
- Prayer is essential to fight against the heavenly forces of darkness;
- with all kinds of prayer (ACTS – Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving & Supplications);
- on all occasions (in Worship or in Workplace);
- praying in the Spirit (Rom.8:26, 27) and intellectually (the Newspapers will give us the fuel for prayer);
- Watch & Pray (perseverance in prayer) till we get the answer;
- for all saints (including me).
God sought for a man to makeup the hedge and stand in the gap before Him for the land, that He should not destroy them (Ez.22:30); but since He found none, God had to pour out His indignation upon them and consumed them with fire of His wrath; We are 9 here; let us pray in agony leading to fervent prayer.
Sam C Samuel, the pioneer in UESI, worked with Every Home Crusade, as Director of “School of Prayer”, now works with Agape Ministries at his 76 years. He was one of the first to attend the Exchanged Life Seminar in 1973, preaching the Exchanged Life and the Message of the Cross whenever he gets opportunity…
– Prayers and best wishes from P. P. Thomas, Cherian Zachariah and Capt. Cherian Thottathil.
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