More online reading

Counseling sessions provided
in-person 140
phone and zoom: 331
Coaching sessions (mostly by phone): 202
Conferences/seminars conducted: 6
Workshops conducted: 5
Webinars: 7
Weekly Deeper Life Discipleship zoom meetings: 8 months
Weekly Lifeline Caregiving Course (10 sessions June-August)
Books published
John Best – ebooks: 5; paperback: 1
Lee Turner – Audio book
Those who completed GFI certification: 2
Luther Rice Seminary students who completed GFI practicum – 9
Web site visits 44,930 180,578 1,674 4,114
Site developments
Micro site for Planned Giving (via Orchard Foundation)
New online store at GFI’s web site (Shopify platform)
Video channels views 16,200 [1,770 subscribers, 12 videos posted] 7,000 [ 57 new videos]
Audio channels listens: 4,185 listens: 20,349 online course portal
Students: 522 students
Enrollments: 938 enrollments
New courses – 2
Constant Contact Eblasts (issues)
Glimpses of Grace 12
Solomon’s Wisdom 12
Grace Notes 51
Certification Coaching e-letter 10
Postal mail newsletters to full mailing list
Glimpses of Grace newsletter (office team): Spring, Christmas – 2
A testimony from Nigeria
…We are now at the close of the fourth chapter of The New Life by Captain Reginald Wallis. The book has been transforming for us as an assembly in Otukpo. It’s indeed complementary to our previous study from Handbook to Happiness and For Me to Live is Christ by Dr. Charles R. Solomon. I observed most of the brethren found it easier to comprehend.
On behalf of the church, I want to say Thank you for recommending the book.
As we are now at the middle of the book, I’m beginning to be exercised on finding or choosing the next book for us to study; especially along the same line. I’m yet to narrow down on any. Could you please make a recommendation or send a PDF of any you feel will further help us understand and apply the message of the Cross?…
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