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The Board of Grace Fellowship International is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark McKeehan as the new Executive Director of GFI. Mark has been the pastor of Chilhowee Hills Baptist Church in Knoxville TN for the last 13 years. Mark has also been a member of the board of GFI for the past two and a half years. He was introduced to the exchanged life message back in 2016 and has been teaching it in his church. Below is a personal message from Mark.
With Thanks,
GFI Board
I am so excited and honored to join Grace Fellowship International as the new executive director. I look forward to working with the board and the staff at GFI to continue to teach Dr. Solomon’s Spirituotherapy counseling methodologies and expand the Exchanged Life message into the church. We will continue to utilize the wheel and line diagrams that illustrate, clarify, and demonstrate important aspects of the Gospel to help people come into experiential identification in Christ through faith by illumination of the Spirit, knowing and experiencing who they are in Him.
As a pastor for over 20 years, I have such a heart and passion to see pastors come into their true identity in Christ. My wife Carrie and I have been married for 22 years and we have 5 children. If I could assist you, please contact me at the GFI office or by email: . Next month we will share a revised vision statement that honors our heritage, clarifies our mission, and looks forward to God’s direction in the future.
Mark McKeehan
Executive Director

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