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Dear Friend,
Sometimes people ask, “How can I live a Victorious Christian Life?” Many Christians long for victory in the future, in heaven, while never expecting any victory in the present life! Let me start by saying in Christianity there is a beautiful exchange that happens. For example, through Christ
- I exchange my self-life for Christ’s life.
- I exchange my unrighteousness for Christ’s righteousness.
- I exchange my weakness for His strength, God’s wrath for God’s acceptance, and my death for His life.
When a person wants to be better, he/she goes to work to improve self, but God’s plan isn’t a self-improvement program, so He makes them new! Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” You are not patched up or polished but made new in Christ. We are new creations, and we must live out of this truthful reality!
Dr. Solomon stated, “As Christians, we are in process of becoming in experience who we already are in position!” You don’t have to climb a Mt. Everest of guilt to get to the top to experience victory. Because we are in Christ and He is in us, we live from the position of victory not striving for victory. If you are carrying guilt, you do not have to because Jesus has already paid for it on the cross and He said “Tetelestai” (it is finished)! But here is what happens for many people; they accept Jesus as Savior then spend the rest of their life trying to get Jesus to accept them. They are saved by grace; but they live as if works keeps them saved. Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:6 that we are “accepted in the Beloved.” He doesn’t write that we are accepted by our works or accepted in others, our acceptance is rooted solely in Jesus. Salvation and our acceptance are by grace from start to finish!
We hosted our first Spirituotherapy workshop of the year, February 20th-23rd with 11 participants. The week was amazing, and it is such a pleasure watching people grow in their identification in Christ. We are always blessed to have students from Luther Rice College and Seminary in attendance as well as others wanting to learn how to share the Wheel and Line Diagrams. On Saturday, March 4th, First Baptist Church Strawberry Plains hosted our “Finding Joy” seminar. John and I took 21 participants through rejection, identity, wheel diagrams, line diagrams, and other “Exchanged Life” topics. It was an amazing day of learning and fellowship.
If you haven’t heard, GFI recently launched a podcast called, “Glimpses of Grace.” The podcast is available on our website, and can be downloaded on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, Spotify, iHeart Radio, Stitcher, and Pandora. The podcast has been heard in the U.S., but also in Ireland, Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, Mexico and in the Dominican Republic.
Please pray for GFI as we continue to receive calls daily from people seeking freedom from anxiety, depression, addiction, and all sorts of emotional issues.
Pray for John Woodward as he will be traveling to Rhode Island to present a seminar on Saturday, April 1st. Thank you for your prayers and support. God bless you all!
In Christ,
Mark McKeehan
Executive Director
February, 2023 Exchanged Life Counseling Workshop group, Pigeon Forge, TN
February Spirituotherapy Workshop
P. O. Box 368 | Pigeon Forge, TN 37868 | (865) 429-0450
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