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“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14
In this month whence celebrate the holiday of Thanksgiving, we’re reminded of so many reasons to be grateful.
September 3-October 14 we conducted an online version of our Exchanged Life Counseling Workshop. It was primarily intended for this who cannot travel to Tennessee. The seven participants from the U.S. and Canada used online content, met with me as a group on zoom on five Sunday afternoons, and also had additional weekly meetings on zoom with their “practice partner.”
We are also thankful for recent ministry events in Pigeon Forge. We had the half day “Introduction to Exchanged Life Counseling” on November 2, and the Workshop November 4-7. The concluding session of participant testimonies is always encouraging.
Our chaplaincy track is gradually developing. Seven of us have taken the IFOC course, and a chaplain we met at the conference in Texas (September 12-14) attended the recent Workshop. Regarding the aftermath of the hurricane, I spoke with evangelist David Cobb to leaders of Newport, TN and will be assisting Dollywood chaplain at a relief distribution event. For details, see / Training
Our former board member, Peter Frey, went home to be with the Lord recently; he had been in assisted living where he lived in Switzerland. I was inspired by Peter’s two decades of ministry with GFI, having traveled with him to Romania, and having been sponsored by his stewardship for covert discipleship schools in the Middle East. He has much “treasure in heaven” through his major giving to ministries around the world, including GFI. May God comfort his wife, Barbara.
We are also thankful that Cathy Solomon is back in her home since October 6th. (She has been in and out of hospitals and rehabs since last December.)
And we give thanks for you. Our intercessory prayer and financial support team! May God’s grace and faithfulness cause our hearts to overflow with praise and thanksgiving during this holiday season and every day.
Yours in Christ,
“Good morning, Dr. John. I appreciate the encouragement and support. God has used this ministry to save and change lives. I am happy I have been able to find this ministry as and live the Christ-centered life, and be able to walk in His likeness.”
-California (counselee)
“Thank you very much for allowing me to provide the GFI documents to our students and for all of the information. I’m very excited to share the exchanged life message with others as I know firsthand the impact it has had on me as a follower of Christ! I’m very thankful for your guidance and your ministry!”
-Pastor Scott, Texas
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