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Dr. Woodward, Kristy, and I would like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Whenever I see the word “Christmas,” I think more “Christ.” It seems every year we see less and less of Christ, but we cannot forget that He is the reason for this season! As I read the birth story in Luke 2, I am drawn to the angels appearing to the shepherds with Good News! In verse 9, the angel appears to shepherds who are watching their flocks by night, and the glory of the Lord shines around them, and they are afraid. Of course, they were. It is dark, and suddenly, an angel appears along with the glory of God! In v. 10, the angels tell them not to be afraid, and in v. 11 we see why: “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior who is Christ the Lord.”
May I share why I love this? Shepherds, at this time, were unclean and, therefore, unable to enter the temple. They are watching sheep, most likely to be used for sacrifices, yet these same shepherds are unable to go in. God decides to make this birth announcement to them, to those whom most people would “overlook!” Today, this would be a PR nightmare, but I love this—the good news is for all who will trust and believe! May I share another takeaway? After the shepherds left everything (total surrender) to go see Jesus, they returned and told everyone what they had seen (Luke 2:20). They returned to the fields. They did not start conferences on how to see angels. They went back to the same profession, in the same place, but they were changed forever. I love what my pastor recently said, “The shepherds left in wonder, but they returned praising!”
Christmas is much more than parties, eggnog, and gifts. Christmas, like life, is all about Jesus! The angels didn’t want the shepherds leaving and talking about angels but about the Messiah. This season, I challenge all of us to glorify Christ and speak of Him in ways that make others marvel. May we take this truth and share the fullness of the gospel; Jesus is our Lord, our Savior, and our very Life!
2024 has been a great year for GFI. We hired a new Office Manager, Kristy LaVella, as well as launching a new chaplaincy track. Our podcast, “Glimpses of Grace,” has been played 11,470 times. We have worked hard producing new and updated content to help equip people in the Exchanged Life. We continue to have people reach out daily for counseling and coaching. We are guiding people into a complete and victorious identity in Christ.
Thank you for your investment in GFI! We cannot do what we do without you, and you are truly a gift to us! Please pray for us as we finish out this year, especially in year-end giving. Our prayer is for God to continue to allow us to be sustainable today and for all the tomorrows ahead. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a very great New Year.
Merry Christmas
Mark McKeehan
Executive Director
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