Categories: GFI USA


More online reading
September, 2024
“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservants for Jesus’ sake. For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” 2 Corinthians 4:5-7

Mark meeting one-to-one with pastors in the Cape Town area

We are so grateful for the privilege to serve full time in the field of Christ centered discipleship, counseling, and equipping.
We hope you have downloaded the Grace Fellowship International app and follow our Glimpses of Grace audio podcast. Episode #43 is a conversation about GFI “behind the scenes.” We discuss the various ministries, events and resources of GFI. Through the prayers and support of Gods people these services continue and expand!
Last month we gave a gratitude report for the seminar in Knoxville and workshop in Pigeon Forge. Mark had additional ministry events. God strengthened him for a busy week of counseling, coaching, preaching, and teaching at Parkway Baptist Church and Academy in Florida. The following week he ministered at a men’s retreat here in Tennessee that was well-received. September 3-15 Mark is returning to  South Africa to assist our affiliate there, Curare ( ). We are especially excited about the seminar he presented in a high-risk community near Cape Town on September 9th. 
Speaking of travels, Linda and I are due to fly to Texas to attend the Connect Conference of The International Fellowship of Chaplains ( September 12-14. We will have a display table for GFI and look forward to opportunities fellowship, equip, and network there.
We are currently facilitating an online edition of the Exchanged Life Counseling Workshop. It is primarily for those in other counters and others who can’t travel to Tennessee for this training.
I was encouraged to receive this update from a Swiss missionary who attended our conference and workshop online as part of his Luther Rice Seminary degree program. He writes, 
“We moved to Albania to serve the Lord in the Balkans. What I have learned through the ministry and material of GFI was, and is, so powerful and a blessing. It enriched me, my wife, our marriage, our family, and many people who came to our house, especially the ones who came for counseling. I hope to use the materials also here in Albania. I just want to say thank you again and to all I had the privilege to work with for my Masters degree. We are doing fine. Just arrived here in Tirana… God bless you, your family and the work you do for his Kingdom!”
We thank all who partner with GFI in prayer and financial support. May God’s light continue to shine through us as we herald the fullness of the Good News of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yours in Him,
John Woodward
Director of Counseling and Training

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