This is an online edition of the Exchanged Life conference by Dr. Charles Solomon and Dr. John Woodward. The Conference is also available as a live event in Pigeon Forge, TN and elsewhere. This event gives an overview of the Christ-Centered Counseling message.
God is still in the business of transforming lives! The truth contained in Romans 6 and Galatians 2:20 is the basis of revival in lives. To obtain maximum benefit from the conference, Handbook to Happiness and The Ins and Out of Rejection, books by Dr. Solomon, should be read as well.
There are six sessions:
- Rejection and Identity (Solomon)
- Self-Life or Christ-Life? (Woodward)
- Our Union with Christ (Solomon)
- Appropriating Christ as Life (Woodward)
- Healing Damaged Emotions (Solomon)
- Living in Freedom (Woodward)
Purchasing this online edition ($30.00) entitles you to access the conference videos online. There is no time limitation, so they can be viewed again. The conference relies on the extensive diagrams and notes in the conference manual. This manual can be ordered as a hard copy or by digital PDF download. (See Store Page). For further details, feel free to call GFI @ 1-888-66GRACE (in U.S) or use the Contact Page. Order the online conference here.
When the password is provided, the online conference is accessed here:
Exchanged Life Conference Videos (Solomon & Woodward) page
Classic Conference Videos (Solomon – 1990) page