Grace Fellowship is a non-profit organization.
Grace Fellowship is a registered, non-profit organization. If you would like to contribute financially, we would be most grateful. Monthly and year end tax-deductible receipts are provided. To donate online please use the secure form below for Support Donations and/or contact Grace Fellowship International at 1-865-429-0450. Thank you.
For Discipleship Counseling clients, please scroll down further for the Counseling Guide Donations or click here.
Support Donations
By using this online giving platform you are able to set up single, weekly, monthly, bi-weekly, or bi-monthly donations to create easy and generous rhythms of giving. Please use the drop down menu to specify a fund and specify if you decide to cover the transaction fee. Thank you for your interest in making a gift today. It will help guide people into complete and victorious identity in Christ.
Counseling Guide Donations
These are donations for those receiving discipleship counseling through a GFI staff member or Guide. Please identify your Guide in the donation message field. Thank you.
Click here to donate to your Guide.
If you would like to have a monthly amount automatically transferred to Grace Fellowship International from your bank account or credit card, please contact our office or use this form:
Postal address:
P.O. Box 368
Pigeon Forge, TN
37868 USA
3914 Nellie St.
Pigeon Forge, TN
37863 USA
Other Info
Phone: 1-865-429-0450
Toll free in USA: 1-888-66GRACE (664-7223)
Fax: 1-865-429-0144
You can automatically donate .5% of any purchases you make through by using and selecting Grace Fellowship International as the recipient charity. The donation is not added to your purchase price. Rather, Amazon donates the .5% from their side!