Our free online Courses are at www.GraceStudyHall.org
Just open an account at Grace Fellowship’s Study Hall and monitor your progress.
The Wheel and Line: A Guide to Freedom through the Cross
This introductory course walks the student through a summary of chapter 2 of Dr. Charles Solomon’s Handbook to Happiness.
How to Exchange Your Life For a New One
The 6 lesson course by Dr. Phil Jones begins with a clear presentation of the Gospel followed by some basics for grace-oriented spiritual growth. The concluding lesson addresses spiritual warfare. In-print copies and a DVD album are available through GFI’s store.
For Me to Live is Christ
This 8 lesson course is based on Charles R. Solomon’s Handbook to Happiness. The embedded videos were done in 2009, and the text is from the previous edition of the book. The 2014 studio-recorded DVD series and revised edition of For Me to Live is Christ are available through GFI’s store.
Jesus of Nazareth: The True and Living Way
This 8 lesson course by Dr. John Woodward is based on John 14:6. The teaching and videos present and defend the Gospel. The course is especially for seekers who are nominally Christian, from a different religious background, and those ministering to them.
The Life That Wins A short course on a life-changing new covenant message by Charles Trumbull, editor of “The Sunday School Times.” It is an excerpt from his book, Victory in Christ.
Lessons on Abundant Living. This series covers the main topics of the Grace Fellowship Exchanged Life Conference.
Discipleship Basics. This is a theologically-rich, four lesson course by Dr. Phil Jones.
Growing in Grace in Difficult Days. This is six lesson course by Dr. John Woodward is based on 1,2 Peter. It focuses on five roles of the Lord Jesus Christ as they correspond to the believer’s spiritual journey.
The New Life – course 1 . Based on the first eight chapters of a foundational grace discipleship book by South African pastor and author Andrew Murray. Enhanced with audio lessons and outlines
Discover Your Riches in Christ. Based on the book by Dr. Lee Turner: “Many believers are not aware of the inexhaustible riches they have in Jesus Christ. Let’s examine a few these precious jewels from God’s ‘grace mine’ and claim them as our own.” 11 lessons with videos
Let’s Go! A Devotional Study of Hebrews. An 8 lesson devotional study using the user friendly book by Warren Wiersbe: “Let’s Go! The Epistle of Hebrews for 21st Century Christians”(CLC). Features video teaching sessions by John Woodward from the weekly Deeper Life Discipleship meetings.
Build Your House on the Rock: Coaching for Dads. This course features the audio track and notebook of a seminar for men by former NFL athlete and Christian leader, Dave Simmons. It features biblical principles, wisdom and applications for harmonious marital and family life.
Marriage by the book: A Graceful Body. The course is a thorough, grace-oriented study of marriage by pastor David Kuykendall. It is a countercultural exploration of Ephesians 5:22-33, filled with timeless practical, spiritual and relational wisdom.
The Law of Liberty in the Spiritual Life. A classic study on deeper life discipleship by one of the foundational teachers of the Keswick Convention in England. It includes an annotated text of the book by Evan Hopkins and video summaries.
Diploma Courses
The GFI Counseling Institute also has a series of courses that can be used for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and/or to earn a Diploma. These tuition-based courses include an online component with a password-required Course Page (see the linked Course titles below). The course pages include the Student Guide, online videos, resources, and a review test. The courses do not have an assignment schedule; you can start at any time and proceed at your own pace. These courses are still available as traditional mail-based correspondence courses as well. A Certificate of Completion is given upon completion of each course, and the Diploma of Biblical Counseling is awarded after the completion of ten.
All courses have the free “For Me to Live is Christ” course or GFI’s Exchanged Life Conference as a prerequisite.
To apply for formal CEU credit, you may inquire of your supervisory agency.
You can register, order any required materials, and pay the course tuition by credit card by phoning John Woodward at GFI: 865-429-0450.
Foundational Courses
GFEL1 Exchanged Life Counseling I GFICI-foundational-course-materials
GFEL2 Exchanged Life Counseling II GFICI-foundational-course-materials
GFDEL Devotional Literature GFICI-foundational-course-materials
GFCOS Counseling Skills GFICI-foundational-course-materials
Additional Courses (student’s choice and sequence)
GFEVD Evangelism and Discipleship
GFCCC Christ Centered Children’s Counseling (see required materials)
GFROP The Role of Psychology
GFCLC Counseling and the Local Church
GFSPW Spiritual Warfare
GFTWG How to Teach the Word of God
GFTHF Theological Foundations
To inquire about a correspondence course, please complete and submit the form:
Tuition per GFI Course: $75.00
The additional required reading / materials vary per course. A PDF document listing the required reading for the first four courses is here: GFICI-foundational-course-materials
To enroll in a correspondence course
Fill in the online form below and /or phone John Woodward at GFI (865-429-0450) to register and discuss other required materials. After you pay the course tuition (usually by credit/debit card over the phone), you are given access to the course’s home page, syllabus and related media.