is a publication division of Grace Fellowship International

Resources by Dr. Lee C. Turner


Performance Christianity  (introduces The Grace Discipleship Course and Advanced Grace Discipleship Course )
These 12 lesson workbooks are available via the GFI online store or Amazon Kindle (search Lee C Turner).
Understanding Grace: And How to Implement it in Your Life and Church
This book is available via the GFI online store or Amazon Kindle (search Lee C Turner). It is also available as an MP3 audio book (read by the author) on CD-ROM at GFI store.

Discover Your Riches in Christ Video (introduces Discover Your Riches in Christ)
This volume is only available only in an ebook edition on Amazon Kindle (search Lee C Turner).

Discover Your Spiritual Gifts Video (introduces Discover Your Spiritual Gift)
This volume is only available only in an ebook edition on Amazon Kindle (search Lee C Turner).

How to Control Your Emotions Video (Introduces How to Control Your Emotions)
This volume is only available only in an ebook edition on Amazon Kindle (search Lee C Turner).
The Creation Course
This is a PowerPoint-based course with recorded audio instruction. It is available on CD-ROM through the GFI store.

Grace Ministries Publications – FOREWORD by Dr. Lee Turner
Are you tired of “Performance Christianity?” Have you read the Word, prayed, attended church faithfully and yet continue to be worn out and weary. I have good news for you: Jesus came to give his life for us, so that he might give his life to us, so he might live his life through us. Yet many Christians try to live their life for him, rather than let him live his life through them.
Many are trying to fulfill the verse that says, “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23). But don’t stop there, the next verse says, “The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it” (v. 24). But our pride says, “I’d rather do it myself.”
But Jesus said in John 15:5 “without me you can do nothing.” Jesus was describing himself as the vine and believers as the branches. A branch doesn’t grunt and grown to grow, it draws its life source from the vine. It is connected to the source of life that produces after its own kind. Christ wants to live his life through us so we can glorify him by reproducing his likeness.
Paul said, “For it is God who works in you both to will and to act according to his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). We need to learn how to quit trying and start trusting. Many of us have ambitious plans to do great things for God and then ask him to bless them and God says, “Good luck with your plans!” And as a result, many Christians spend their lives frantically doing nothing.
God’s plan is: God initiates, we respond, God directs and empowers; we get the blessing and He gets the glory.
The Christian life is supernatural and there is only one person who ever lived it—Jesus Christ. He is the supreme example of what it means to “walk in (live in) the Spirit.” Although he was God, he gave up the independent use of his attributes to live as a man. Every step he took, every word he spoke, every decision he made as a man he did in total dependence on the Father. Jesus was a man in perfection—totally, because he was unquestioningly available to all the power that was available to him. As a man in perfection he had an unlimited call upon the inexhaustible supplies of deity.
The inexhaustible supplies of God are available to the man who is available to all the inexhaustible supplies of God. We will never be deity, but the inexhaustible supplies of deity are available to us, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness” (2 Peter 1:3).
If you would like to know more, I invite you to examine the books available on this web site. I would suggest that you start with The Grace Discipleship Course which will give you a progressive systematic foundation of grace, and then proceed to the other books.
In His life and love,