More online reading
Perfecto Mumar, a GFI missionary in the Philippines, is ready to print the Wheel and Line tract in Tagalog. $300 will be needed to provide 6000 copies.
In Nepal, T. is completing the editing the GFI tract. He wrote an introduction and simplified it to make it more user friendly in a non-Christian environment. He can get 10,000 copies for $300. He will be training people for Nepal and Bhutan; he is also fluent in Hindi so he could expand and do some training in India in the future… He is planning a counseling/training center there, and I believe his wife is also trained in counseling; he now has a Ph.D. in psychology and teaches in university and pastors a church.
The church in Burundi wants [GFI staff member] to come and conduct a crusade there next month…. I am hoping he could combine that with a trip to Rwanda to reduce the travel expense.
Martin in Myanmar wants to print the GFI tract in his first language, Mizo (he already has it translated), but only 60,000 speak that language; and we have it in Burmese. However, if we get an excellent contact in Mizoram, a bordering state in India, it might be strategic to have it in the language. Mizoram is the Mizo kingdom with about 1 million speaking the language. Martin is still trying to get it translated in Lao which is the only language lacking on the southeast Asia peninsula.
International tracts are available online at
Contributions for GFI missions projects through contacting GFI online, by phone, or mail.
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