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We give thanks for opportunities to provide conferences, seminars, workshops and other meetings this year in Arizona, Illinois, Virginia, Ohio, North Carolina and Tennessee. International ministry events were held in Saskatchewan & Quebec Canada and Brazil.
This year we launched At this point nine courses have been created with 147 users having signed up to use them.
Our involvement with IAMtv internet station also grew. Don and I developed two programs: Glimpses of Grace and Uncommon Recovery. Although the filming concluded (for now) in September, recorded videos are at In October I was asked to interview Ugandan pastor, Umar Mulinde. He survived a life-threatening, disfiguring acid attack by Muslim extremists 11 years ago. These half hour conversations and four 3 minute, topical videos at their channel and
We give thanks for an encouraging 50th Anniversary banquet on November 16. Over 90 were able to attend the event in Knoxville. Videos of the program are posted on GFI’s web site here.
This year hundreds of in person, telephone and Skype counseling & coaching sessions were conducted through our staff. For example, Aaron Kim has flourished as a recipient of the counseling and training and now is reaching thousands through his YouTube channel which features his testimony and devotional teaching.
We have welcomed two new GFI board members. Dudley DuRoss is a retired businessman from Ohio. He and his wife hosted a GFI seminar at their home church last April. Mark McKeehan serves as Senior Pastor of Chilhowee Hills Baptist Church in Knoxville. Both of these brothers have much to offer through their testimony and input.
We are thankful for the matching grant campaign that continues though December. A generous supporter is matching gifts to the general fund, up to $50,000. As a faith-based ministry we continue to look to the Lord to guide and provide as He has wonderfully done through His people for five decades.[/av_textblock] [/av_one_full]
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