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Linda Woodward and Cherri Freeman ready for the Rhode Island Seminar
“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” Col. 3:1-4
Dear friends,
We trust this month will include a meaningful and encouraging Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday for you.
Ruth Paxson noted, “The Christian life is not merely a converted life, nor even a consecrated life, but it is the Christ-life. It is the consuming desire of the Lord Jesus, to reincarnate Himself in the believer.” We have such a privilege to educate, edify and equip people to know the Gospel of identification with Christ. This dimension of the good news is not only vital for our experience of Abundant Life, it is also crucial to share in biblical discipleship and counseling.
This month is the one year anniversary of Mark McKeehan joining GFI as Executive Director. We are so thankful for his fellowship, leadership and co-ministry. Mark spoke at a youth retreat on March 31st and witnessed God’s Spirit working own a special way there.
The GraceFellowship International app has been published and is available for you to download from the Apple Store or Google Play. We believe this will be a very practical tool for personal growth and sharing Christ as Life with others.
Jane Goins completed her Exchanged Life Counselor certification and has joined our team of Guides! Her testimony is at
I give thanks for a fruitful Finding Freedom Seminar in Rhode Island on April 1st (no foolin’!). It was joy to have our Associate, Cherri Freeman, join us to assist. Our host, Rob Semco, taught a session and we were inspired by a testimony and song from my wife, Linda, and a testimony from Jessie Dutra.
We would appreciate prayer for our annual in-person GFI board meeting. It’s scheduled for April 28th in Knoxville.
We are grateful for our intercessors and supporter. May the finished work of Christ on the Cross and His victorious resurrection fill our hearts with praise…all year long.
-John Woodward
Testimonial Endorsement from the Workshop
I attended the GFI Exchanged Life Counseling Workshop February 20-23, 2023 in Pigeon Forge. The entire attending staff was of the highest caliber, and all the attendees were made to feel valued and welcomed. John Woodward taught most of the material and the depth of his experience in counseling (guiding) others and teaching the material was quite evident.For me it was a profoundly important experience that helped confirm the Holy Spirit’s chosen direction for me, which is discipleship. Furthermore, the careful collection, organization, presentation, and immersion in the Word, which is the source for the exchanged life teaching, and the power for living it was outstanding. The workshop gave me a tremendous head start in approaching the same task of building the scriptural base of knowledge to present, explain, and supply the liberating Word to those struggling and in need. Furthermore, the entire experience walked me through the door to intentionality and awareness regarding the Lord’s presence in me, and my own Christ life.
Also of great importance was the opportunity to fellowship with serious and devoted brothers and sisters whose heart is to help others, and to meet several brothers (future mentors) with real world experience living the life of Christ. It was a life-changing week for me, and I can strongly recommend this and every aspect of GFI’s ministry to those whom God has called to assist others, while they help themselves to grow.
B. F.
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