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Update by Mark McKeehan,
Executive Director
Can you believe it is February already? Wow, where has the time gone? Many things are going on at GFI and I want to update you about the ministry of Grace Fellowship International. Because of your prayers and giving, we continue guiding people into complete and victorious identity in Christ. Around 20 people so far in 2024 have reached out seeking guidance and help from anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues.
I began this year serving at a conference called, “Passion.” This is a college-aged conference led by Louie Giglio and the Passion Team. Over 55,000 college students gathered in the Mercedes Stadium in Atlanta, GA this year. Several speakers presented the gospel, but Louie spoke of our identification in Christ. Louie told these students that not only did Jesus die for them, but they had died too! (Gal. 2:20). What a Christ-centered truth for these students to hear. When the call was given, thousands stood to give their life to Jesus.
With the number of people reaching out to GFI increasing, we thank God for an additional Guide and a new Life Coach. Jenny Phillips becomes our 9th counseling Guide. This is such a huge benefit to help Dr. Woodward and all of the people needing counseling. As you know, we launched our Life Coaching ministry back in the fall. This month we my wife, Carrie McKeehan, joined us as our the third Life Coach!
If you haven’t heard, John Norman’s last day at GFI will be February 15th. What a Godsend he has been to our ministry. John stepped in over 3 years ago to help when Cathy was ill, and he has been a huge blessing. I’m not sure where we would be today without his help.
I also want to introduce you to our new office administrator, Kristy LaVella. Kristy started at GFI on February 1st and will be taking over for John Norman. Kristy, outside of her office skills, has experience with event planning, social media, photography, graphics, and marketing. We are sad to see John leave, but also excited about what the future holds for GFI.
Our next Seminar, “Finding Joy” will be Saturday, February 24th from 9-4:30 PM. The seminar is hosted by New Beginnings Baptist Church located at 8518 Thompson School Road, Corryton, TN 37721. You can learn more information or register for this event at
The Exchanged Life Workshop here in Pigeon Forge, TN will be March 4th-7th. This year we are meeting all day Monday through Thursday, 8:30 AM – 5 PM. This E.L. Workshop is hosted at First Baptist Church, Pigeon Forge. Again, information and registration can be found at
You can always call our office at (865) 429-0450 to order resources or register for events. Thanks again for your prayers! God is moving and we are blessed and honored to serve alongside you.
– Mark McKeehan
John N., Mark, Kristy, and John W.
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