Our November Workshop was held in Pigeon Forge, TN. We're thankful for those who attended...from Quebec, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, West Virginia, Mississippi, Alabama [...]
The Exchanged Life Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN was held Nov. 4,5. We are thankful for those who attended. John Woodward and Mark Miller were [...]
GFI's Africa Director, Charles Ambaka, is back in Nepal for several weeks of ministry. Please pray for his health, safety and fruitfulness as he conducts [...]
A while back Dr. Lee Turner entrusted his literature ministry to GFI. His books and media materials fit hand-in-glove with the mission of Grace Fellowship. [...]
Joe and Cherri Freeman have recorded online videos about their testimonies and addiction recovery ministry. Please view and share them at GFI's YouTube channel. [...]
The second e-blast of the Revival Now campaign features an article by Chuck Solomon titled "The Church: A Sleeping Giant." An online edition is available [...]
Monday-Thursday, August 8-11, Grace Fellowship had a Spirituotherapy Workshop in Pigeon Forge, TN. We are thankful for the fine group that came from 8 states! [...]
The Exchanged Life Conference of G.F.I. was held at 1st Baptist Church, Pigeon Forge, TN on August 5,6. John was assisted by co-presenter Pastor Mark [...]
We just launched the first of a series of special "Revival Now" emails that are being sent to our extended mailing list. Steve Phinney is [...]