Exchanged Life Counselor Certification
Would you like to be equipped to help hurting people find freedom from life controlling problems? GFI has developed a path of education and training that relates abiding in Christ (Exchanged Life) to personal discipling and counseling. This model has the distinctives of:
- A message that is clarified
- A methodology that is simplified
- Materials that are illustrated
- A meaning that is personalized
- Ministry that is demonstrated
The content of this training is biblical, Christ-centered, and grace-oriented.
“Then Jesus said… ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’” (John 8:31,32).

Who can benefit from this training?
Every committed Christian who has compassion and a vision to help others can benefit from the education, training, and equipping of this track. In their book, Healing Relationships: A Christian’s Manual for Lay Counseling, the authors observe: “Counseling is not a ministry of modern origin or a new fad. Its practice is recorded in both Old and New Testaments. Jesus Christ Himself had an extensive ministry as recorded in the Gospels … It is our belief that all Christians should have a basic knowledge of counseling skills because each of us eventually does some counseling, even within the home … Some of you will find that your abilities and personal characteristics lend themselves to counseling and you may want to have a broader counseling ministry.” (Grunlan and Lambrides, 1984, pp. 18,21).
What are the benefits of certification?
Dr. Charles Solomon of Grace Fellowship pioneered this Exchanged Life Counseling model in 1970. Now over 100 ministries use this approach. The reading, online videos and training provide efficient and economical preparation for the ministry of lay and pastoral guidance. Completing the learning and practicum assignments successfully indicate a respected level of personal development and ministry competence.
This certification is also the main qualification to become an Exchanged Life Guide with Grace Fellowship International. Guides are covered by GFI’s liability insurance, receive referrals for ministry, and can accept donations from clients. (Contact our Executive Director or Director of Counseling for more information on Guide policies and potential income.)
Exchanged Life Certification Tracks:
- Counselor
- Life Coach
- Chaplain
How can I become certified as an Exchanged Life Counselor?
Core Modules*
Required Reading
- Handbook to Happiness* (Solomon)
- The Ins and Out of Rejection* (Solomon)
- Handbook for Christ-Centered Counseling* (Solomon)
- Man as Spirit, Soul and Body* (Woodward)
- The Normal Christian Life (Nee) or Bone of His Bone (Huegel)
- The Bondage Breaker (Anderson) or Toward a Deeper Walk (Warner)
- The New Life* (Wallis)
- Lifetime Guarantee (Gillham) or Sidetracked in the Wilderness (Wells)
- Counseling Through Your Bible Handbook (Hunt) (initially, 11 chapters)
- Discipling the Desperate* (Solomon) or Exchanged Lives*(Best)
*Available at the GFI store online or by phone
All of these books are available in an ebook edition at
Foundational Courses
How to Exchange Your Life for a New One (
Lifeline Caregiver Course. Get the PDF manual from Hope for the Heart and contact GFI to arrange to view the course videos:
Demonstration Video Series
The Two Lives of Marie Marshall 9 video sessions (Lee LeFebre) The Life Bookstore
Personal Ministry Practicum
The concluding phase of certification is a practicum of 40 hours of documented discipleship counseling. This module is fulfilled at the student’s location. It covers the monitoring of the trainee’s progress, Core Knowledge Review, and for each 10 hours of counseling, the trainee has a one-hour phone session with his/her GFI supervisor.
Certification ELC Cost and Checklist document (PDF): Exchanged Life Counseling certification
An intermediate certification: Exchanged Life Discipler
Some trainees prefer a less extensive process. This “Discipler” level of certification reduces the reading and requirements of the full Exchanged Life Counselor tack, but is an adequate level of training to equip believers for peer-to-peer counseling using an Exchanged Life model. The Exchanged Life Discipler level is recommended for churches that have a vision to develop lay counseling ministry.
This PDF document describes the requirements for Exchanged Life Discipler Certification: Exchanged Life Discipler Certification
Supplementary specialization tracks:
- Recovery Coach Ministry: GFI Recovery Coach Course
- Children’s Ministry: Children’s Counseling Course
Register for the certification process:
- Fill in this form
- Call Dr. John Woodward
- Submit the $25.00 registration fee
- You will be enrolled and receive the monthly Exchanged Life Counseling email with an invitation for bimonthly zoom meetings.